Monday, July 28, 2008

One Mile at a Time

The training is going well. I just take it one mile at a time.

Saturday was a crazy day. I was up at 6:30, at the gym by 7 - ran 6 miles, came home, showed, grabbed a Starbucks, went for my dress fitting, and from then on it was just go, go go! By the time I headed over for a nice relaxing evening with Rafe, I was exhausted. We spent the evening chatting, killing a bottle of wine and relaxing in the hot tub. What a night! Rafe and I haven't had that one on one time in a long time.

He was asking me how the running was going, and I was telling him that I am really surprised at myself and what my body is capable of. I ran six miles that morning and really felt great. Yes, I had to push myself because I had to keep going and at some point your legs and your brain just don't want to cooperate. Here is something amazing I have found - your mind is much stronger than your phsyical self. I am amazed at how much I can really push my body to do. I was also amazed that on January 1st of this year, I could barely run a 1/4 mile and now I'm averaging between a 10 and 11 minute mile.

He also told me that I seem much more confident in not only my body, but my abilites. About two months ago, we had gone to a party, where I knew exactly three people, Rafe and the two people throwing it - Simone and Peter. Here I was in a room full of very well off people, who had careers that far surpased what I thought I had. There were lawyers, a CTO, a college professor and the list goes on and on. Instead of sitting in a corner and keeping to myself, I blossomed. I was having conversations, mingeling and really just feeling very comfortable.

I contribute that to running. During a run all you are doing is putting one foot in front of another - and think - lots and lots of thinking. Once you body gets warmed up and you are in a groove, you spend a lot of time thinking. I've really answered some very serious questions, and scared myself by asking a whole new set of questions. Running for me is like meditation - this is how I think, sort things out and move forward. Just think, I will have 13.1 miles of thinking to do in September - I wonder how many questions and answers I will confront.

Off to bed - Have to run tomorrow.