Saturday, November 08, 2008

Oh my aching knee

So the knee pain I have been experiencing has been getting worse, so I finally gave in and went to the doctor. So yesterday, I went in & was hoping he'd tell me that I need new shoes or something - nope I need surgery!

It's a simple surgery, but surgery nonetheless. Basically they know that one of 3 things is wrong with my knee - cartaledge tear, ligament tear or bone chip. So on December 16th three incisions will be made into my knee, cameras go in and Dr. Hall fixes what's broken.

Recovery isn't too bad. As long as he doesn't have to do too much rooting around, I should be able to leave without crutches. After three days the bandages come out, stitches checked and then I'm given exercises & hopefully no physical therapy. Three weeks later, back to running.

I am still running on Thanksgiving - I can't do anymore damage. I will not be running for speed though, just going to keep it kind of even keel.

More than anything I'm nervous about the anethesia - I don't do well with it.
I'm scared, but I want this taken care of so I can run without being in pain again.