Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Running Again - FINALLY!

YEAH I'm back to running! My goal was to start running by Feb 1st and I've beat it. Ok, granted the run times are SLOW, but it's a start and boy does it feel good.

I'm a wimp so I'm still running indoors, first because I live in Chicago and it's stupid cold here, secondly the physical therapist and doctor recommend it - at least for awhile.

I was so excited today, I go tmy Metro Health Grand Rapids Marathon Newsletter! I read through is and got all psyched up. I'm signing up. I was too late to sign up for Chicago's Shamrock Shuffle and I'm not about to miss another opportunity.

Good news is Neal wants to run with me. Is he insane? It must be love. I'm still sticking with the 1/2 this year. So I've got someone to train with.

Oh I'm so excited to run. Glad my knee is cooperating. I just have to remember that the muscles still aren't at 100% - so don't push it and cause bigger issues!


Friday, January 02, 2009

I Can Bend My Knee!

I know this is very exciting - I can bend my knee. I can even go up and down the stairs like a normal person! It's slow going, but hey, it's better than two stepping it.

I had my first therapy session this week and now I am waiting for the insurance to approve the whole program. I couldn't believe how with just some stretches and 8 minutes on the bike I felt great and was ready to go again! Mind you - it hurt, but I pushed myself.

My at home program isn't bad, and I've usually got one of many cats sitting by me as I stretch and whatnot, so when it hurts it's not so bad.

They told me I will be running by Feb 1ST - Hurray! I'm planning on running in Chicago's Shamrock Shuffle this year. I'm excited for a year full of running, getting in shape and meeting my goals - running another 1/2 Marathon and feeling comfortable and looking good in a bikini by my Birthday - tall orders, I know, but I'm ready.

Tomorrow starts the core training and arm work - along with the continuation of therapy and stretches. As soon as they give me the go ahead I'll be back on a regular workout routine.

I'm also starting a food diary - I'm thinking I might find an iPhone app that will help. I need to keep track of my food intake.

Here's to a Happy, Healthy and Successful New Year!