Ugh, so the winter has come down on Chicago with a vengance! GRR! It's to be expected, but I'm alreayd looking forward to spring, I usually don't get this way until about late Feb.
Surgery was Dec 16th and it went well. As expected, I freaked out when they gave me the IV (I'm such a baby) and started freaking out 3 minutes before the gave me lala drugs.
Doc fixed up some torn cartilidge, but that really wasn't my problem. Seems I had a lot of tissue buildup behing the knecap - so much that it actually tore & slightly shifted how my kneecap sits. I was surprised I could walk on my knee the day of, though it was painful.
Last visit at the doctor he informed me that because the damage was more than expected, I now have 6 weeks of physical therapy. I'm not happy about this, but I do want to get back to running so for now, I just follow doc's orders.
I'm already tired of gimping around, having limited ability to bend and walking up and down the stairs like a two year old! My boyfriend is being awesome, carting my butt everywhere, getting me ice, Aleve, bringing me flowers and in general just making sure I'm comfortable.
In all honesty though, I really just want to be able to walk & run. I'm already looking forward to running the 1/2 marathon in Grand Rapids this coming year! I'm going to be ready and I'm going to beat this year's time!
So, it's therapy now - trying to keep the weight down (oops - holiday snacking) and strengthining my core, abs and upper body - at least until I can get back to full speed!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Viles of Blood
So as surgery get closer, my anxiety goes up. Today I was up bright and early so that I could be at the lab at 6:30 to have my blood drawn. Four viles were taken. I have to say though, the woman who drew my blood - she was awesome, I didn't feel a thing and she was done in like a minute. That was nice. I asked her if I could recruit her to give me my IV on the 16th.
I'm starting to get nervous, but there are days where the pain makes it difficult to sleep. I'm not ready to give up running, and I'm ready for the pain to go away, so here's the solution.
I'm still running the 10K on Thanksgiving morning. My boyfriend is being supportive and trained for it, so we'll run it together. Granted for every step he takes, I take 2-3; he does have a whole foot on me. I told him he coudl probably do the 10K twice before I am done. But no, he said he'll pace me, so that's nice.
So this week I have to squeeze in a 6 mile run, which shouldn't be a problem, then a day or two of rest, and then yup a 10K followed by lots of great food. That's way I can eat the pie without feeling guilty.
I'm starting to get nervous, but there are days where the pain makes it difficult to sleep. I'm not ready to give up running, and I'm ready for the pain to go away, so here's the solution.
I'm still running the 10K on Thanksgiving morning. My boyfriend is being supportive and trained for it, so we'll run it together. Granted for every step he takes, I take 2-3; he does have a whole foot on me. I told him he coudl probably do the 10K twice before I am done. But no, he said he'll pace me, so that's nice.
So this week I have to squeeze in a 6 mile run, which shouldn't be a problem, then a day or two of rest, and then yup a 10K followed by lots of great food. That's way I can eat the pie without feeling guilty.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Oh my aching knee
So the knee pain I have been experiencing has been getting worse, so I finally gave in and went to the doctor. So yesterday, I went in & was hoping he'd tell me that I need new shoes or something - nope I need surgery!
It's a simple surgery, but surgery nonetheless. Basically they know that one of 3 things is wrong with my knee - cartaledge tear, ligament tear or bone chip. So on December 16th three incisions will be made into my knee, cameras go in and Dr. Hall fixes what's broken.
Recovery isn't too bad. As long as he doesn't have to do too much rooting around, I should be able to leave without crutches. After three days the bandages come out, stitches checked and then I'm given exercises & hopefully no physical therapy. Three weeks later, back to running.
I am still running on Thanksgiving - I can't do anymore damage. I will not be running for speed though, just going to keep it kind of even keel.
More than anything I'm nervous about the anethesia - I don't do well with it.
I'm scared, but I want this taken care of so I can run without being in pain again.
It's a simple surgery, but surgery nonetheless. Basically they know that one of 3 things is wrong with my knee - cartaledge tear, ligament tear or bone chip. So on December 16th three incisions will be made into my knee, cameras go in and Dr. Hall fixes what's broken.
Recovery isn't too bad. As long as he doesn't have to do too much rooting around, I should be able to leave without crutches. After three days the bandages come out, stitches checked and then I'm given exercises & hopefully no physical therapy. Three weeks later, back to running.
I am still running on Thanksgiving - I can't do anymore damage. I will not be running for speed though, just going to keep it kind of even keel.
More than anything I'm nervous about the anethesia - I don't do well with it.
I'm scared, but I want this taken care of so I can run without being in pain again.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Tying up the laces - again
So I've had my week of recovery and I'm ready to start running again.
My next run in the Highland Pumpkin Plod - it's a 10K race through the streets of Highland IN on Thanksgiving day. I'm excited - this is a shorter race so I know I will be able to knock this one out of the park. It feels good to start running again - stretching the legs and get moving. My goal during this training is to improve my times - run a little faster.
This time I will have a running partner - he'll pass me, I'm sure, for every step he takes I take two, but at least I will have someone to start the race with, even though he will finish before me. He's never run a 10K, just did a 5K, so he's training much harder than I am - good news is, his trainer ran the Chicago Marathon so he's in good hands.
So this week, along with the running, I am incorporating more ab work, strength training, and stretching. I really need to stretch my muscles - I'm going to try to find a yoga class I can take, it's actually very good for runners.
So - here I go again
My next run in the Highland Pumpkin Plod - it's a 10K race through the streets of Highland IN on Thanksgiving day. I'm excited - this is a shorter race so I know I will be able to knock this one out of the park. It feels good to start running again - stretching the legs and get moving. My goal during this training is to improve my times - run a little faster.
This time I will have a running partner - he'll pass me, I'm sure, for every step he takes I take two, but at least I will have someone to start the race with, even though he will finish before me. He's never run a 10K, just did a 5K, so he's training much harder than I am - good news is, his trainer ran the Chicago Marathon so he's in good hands.
So this week, along with the running, I am incorporating more ab work, strength training, and stretching. I really need to stretch my muscles - I'm going to try to find a yoga class I can take, it's actually very good for runners.
So - here I go again
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Before I talk about today - I need to thank Neal and Jackie for their lengthy phone conversations last night. Their enouragment - making me laugh, and putting my at ease - helped enourmously.
Today I set out and completed one more thing on my Thirty Before Thirty list. I completed the Grand Rapids Metro Health Half Marathon. I feel surprisingly well -though I could use a massage.
Today I woke up, ready to go but nervous as hell. I was able to get dressed and choke down some sort of nourishment and energy pills. It was freezing this morning, 32 degrees. The walk to the Y was a bit of a wake up call - good God it was cold.
As I made my way to the Y and stood there with the rest of the runners, I looked around and freaked out. Thankfully I had my parents with me. I almost turned around and went home. I was so nervous and freaked out that I nearly broke down into tears. What the hell did I think I was doing? I mean seriously! 13.1 miles - I must be certifiable.
Waiting in the runners chute was pur agony. I was cold and scared - two things I don't want to be. I know to some people it may seem silly, but I wore my Grandmothers Ring - I always wear it when I feel like I need extra strength or something amazing is happening - she was and always will be my hero. Good Ol' Grandma was looking down on me and sent me Pam. Pam was great - a total seasoned runner, who actually ran the Chicago 1/2 last year and the Grand Rapids full last year. This year she strained her calf muscle, so she was only doing the 1/2 - and at a slower pace. Bless her - Pam paced me and enouraged me the whole way.
I was able to focus on those I dedicated the miles to, and she was always ask me, at each mile who this one was for.
Miles 1-4 were a breeze - I was averaging about an 11 minute mile and feeling good. The sun was rising and the trees were changing - it was really a great sceninc route. At this point I was feeling great - then came the hills at mile 5 - mind you these weren't big hills, but ask anyone who runs - inclines SUCK! However, there were gummy bears at mile 6 so I had to keep going. I love gummy bears! So to mile 6 I made it! I needed that glucouse boost.
My knee was feeling great and I was plugging along. My legs were still feeling strong. Then there was mile 9 - again glucose levels were way down. Then it was time to choke down some GU - damn that stuff was nasty! I could feel the sugar all over my teeth. I was ok but by the time mile 10 hit I was hitting the wall. My legs were like jello and I really just needed to quit - I wanted to quit - but all I had left was 3 miles - I had to do it.
Miles 10-12 were tough. I walked some of them and slowed my pace to a 12 minute mile. Mile 12 I dug, dug deeper than I have ever dug before. I didn't think I had it in me. By this time I had sent Pam ahead - I needed to do this on my own. So with tears in my eyes, I dug - this last mile was for me - I deserved it, I needed to do this. And 2 hours and 36 minutes (officialy times not in yet) I saw mom standing there cheering me on and dad at the finish line with a camera - and a huge hug. It took all I had not to completely burst into tears. I had done it! My knee held out (hurts like hell now) and I completed my first half marathon!
The feeling of accomplishment and strength I have are unbelievable! Yes, even though I feel sore and I'm in some pain, I am looking forward to hitting the pavement again.
My next race will be on Thanksgiving Morning - the Pumpkin Plod in Highland, a 10k.
Official results and photos to be posted soon.
Today I set out and completed one more thing on my Thirty Before Thirty list. I completed the Grand Rapids Metro Health Half Marathon. I feel surprisingly well -though I could use a massage.
Today I woke up, ready to go but nervous as hell. I was able to get dressed and choke down some sort of nourishment and energy pills. It was freezing this morning, 32 degrees. The walk to the Y was a bit of a wake up call - good God it was cold.
As I made my way to the Y and stood there with the rest of the runners, I looked around and freaked out. Thankfully I had my parents with me. I almost turned around and went home. I was so nervous and freaked out that I nearly broke down into tears. What the hell did I think I was doing? I mean seriously! 13.1 miles - I must be certifiable.
Waiting in the runners chute was pur agony. I was cold and scared - two things I don't want to be. I know to some people it may seem silly, but I wore my Grandmothers Ring - I always wear it when I feel like I need extra strength or something amazing is happening - she was and always will be my hero. Good Ol' Grandma was looking down on me and sent me Pam. Pam was great - a total seasoned runner, who actually ran the Chicago 1/2 last year and the Grand Rapids full last year. This year she strained her calf muscle, so she was only doing the 1/2 - and at a slower pace. Bless her - Pam paced me and enouraged me the whole way.
I was able to focus on those I dedicated the miles to, and she was always ask me, at each mile who this one was for.
Miles 1-4 were a breeze - I was averaging about an 11 minute mile and feeling good. The sun was rising and the trees were changing - it was really a great sceninc route. At this point I was feeling great - then came the hills at mile 5 - mind you these weren't big hills, but ask anyone who runs - inclines SUCK! However, there were gummy bears at mile 6 so I had to keep going. I love gummy bears! So to mile 6 I made it! I needed that glucouse boost.
My knee was feeling great and I was plugging along. My legs were still feeling strong. Then there was mile 9 - again glucose levels were way down. Then it was time to choke down some GU - damn that stuff was nasty! I could feel the sugar all over my teeth. I was ok but by the time mile 10 hit I was hitting the wall. My legs were like jello and I really just needed to quit - I wanted to quit - but all I had left was 3 miles - I had to do it.
Miles 10-12 were tough. I walked some of them and slowed my pace to a 12 minute mile. Mile 12 I dug, dug deeper than I have ever dug before. I didn't think I had it in me. By this time I had sent Pam ahead - I needed to do this on my own. So with tears in my eyes, I dug - this last mile was for me - I deserved it, I needed to do this. And 2 hours and 36 minutes (officialy times not in yet) I saw mom standing there cheering me on and dad at the finish line with a camera - and a huge hug. It took all I had not to completely burst into tears. I had done it! My knee held out (hurts like hell now) and I completed my first half marathon!
The feeling of accomplishment and strength I have are unbelievable! Yes, even though I feel sore and I'm in some pain, I am looking forward to hitting the pavement again.
My next race will be on Thanksgiving Morning - the Pumpkin Plod in Highland, a 10k.
Official results and photos to be posted soon.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Dedicating the miles
Well it's almost here - less than 48 hours from now I will have run (and completed) the Metro Health Grand Rapids 1/2 Marathon . I spent some time reading all the important stuff on the marathon and was horrified to find out that I cannot use my iPod! AHH!! I freaked - I made my pump me up keep me going playlist and now I can't use it? It's for insurance purposes and I understand but I was then wondering how I was going to remain focused for 13.1 miles. I'm like a gnat - easily distracted. At least with the songs, I could say -ok just make it through this one,etc.
I did, however come up with an even better way to keep focus. I will be dedicating miles to people - while I run that mile, I will think about them, focus on them and force myself to complete that mile in their honor.
Here we go:
Mile 1: Nikki - bubbly, awesome and determined. Even though she's my baby sister, I look up to her
Mile 2: Julio - Because he's got a lot going on - I'm running this one for him
Mile 3: Jackie - For all the encouragment she's given me - she's one of the best
Mile 4: Mari - she's got a lot going on, but she's keeping it together, I admire that
Mile 5: Mom - She's never given up on me
Mile 6: Dad - silent, but my strength - he's always supported me
Mile 7: Aunt Gayle - she's a fighter - I want to fight like she does - her will to live, the way she lives and her determination awe me
Mile 8: Grandma Stella: I know she's proud of me, she was my best friend - I miss her
Mile 9: Neal - Hate to break it to you - I won't finish second, but your encouragement means a lot!
Mile 10: Niko - he's finally learning to be himself!
Mile 11: Sarah & Cheyenne - Amazing friend, Mom and her bundle of joy - she's known me for over 20 years!
Mile 12: Rafe - His my soulmate - my champion and an amazing person. I know if he could make it he'd be screaming for me
Mile 13: ME!
And to everyone else who's wished me luck, supported me or told me I was just plain nuts!
I did, however come up with an even better way to keep focus. I will be dedicating miles to people - while I run that mile, I will think about them, focus on them and force myself to complete that mile in their honor.
Here we go:
Mile 1: Nikki - bubbly, awesome and determined. Even though she's my baby sister, I look up to her
Mile 2: Julio - Because he's got a lot going on - I'm running this one for him
Mile 3: Jackie - For all the encouragment she's given me - she's one of the best
Mile 4: Mari - she's got a lot going on, but she's keeping it together, I admire that
Mile 5: Mom - She's never given up on me
Mile 6: Dad - silent, but my strength - he's always supported me
Mile 7: Aunt Gayle - she's a fighter - I want to fight like she does - her will to live, the way she lives and her determination awe me
Mile 8: Grandma Stella: I know she's proud of me, she was my best friend - I miss her
Mile 9: Neal - Hate to break it to you - I won't finish second, but your encouragement means a lot!
Mile 10: Niko - he's finally learning to be himself!
Mile 11: Sarah & Cheyenne - Amazing friend, Mom and her bundle of joy - she's known me for over 20 years!
Mile 12: Rafe - His my soulmate - my champion and an amazing person. I know if he could make it he'd be screaming for me
Mile 13: ME!
And to everyone else who's wished me luck, supported me or told me I was just plain nuts!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Nerves Kicking In
6 days and counting. My nerves are kicking in.
It's a slow running week and the weather should be ideal in Grand Rapids on Sunday. I'm hoping!
I need to stay focused because right now I'm scared I won't complete this. I must and will complete this run!
It's a slow running week and the weather should be ideal in Grand Rapids on Sunday. I'm hoping!
I need to stay focused because right now I'm scared I won't complete this. I must and will complete this run!
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Why I Run
So here we are 10 days out until the ½ Marathon. I’m excited and nervous. My body is starting to rebel. I’m catching a bit of a something – not sure what & my ankles are a bit sore, but I’m managing.
Along with late night dinner plans this Friday, I’ve got a full weekend – long run Saturday – birthday dinner for my sister on Saturday and then the Pumpkin Patch on Sunday. It’s key that I am in my best mind frame.
So next week, as much as I love my friends and family, I’m cutting myself off a bit. I’m going to concentrate on the day to day tasks that must be done, and then really focus on Sunday’s journey.
Today, in my Metro Health Grand Rapids Marathon Newsletter the race director Don Kern included an email he received from Olympian Paul McMullen – who will be running the Metro Health Grand Rapids Marathon.
Paul addressed: What’s the deal with running. I read this and had a total AHA! Moment – this - this is why I run!
I’ve pulled a few key quotes from this email.
Paul said:
Running is by definition a way to cover ground quickly and has proven to be one of the most attractive attributes in a member of society since the beginning of time.
In early times fast runners ate better than slow runners. They also performed as scouts warning their tribes of enemy troop movements. Today, runners deal with stress well and are typically more emotionally balanced. They are doers and discover solutions before the sedentary. They intimately know their neighborhood. They come up with great ideas during long miles of breathing, sweating, and pounding. Runners have passion; they are willing to suffer a long time for something they want. They are not interested in instant gratification or a quick high; they plan, prepare, and execute until they achieve their goal.
On race day we see thousands of runners going in the same direction. It is a phenomenon of positive momentum. It is a moment at which we all in unison draw the line in the sand AGAINST several things: most notably, procrastination and laziness, age and gender, and quitting and getting fat. Most importantly during a marathon you are guaranteed to see the human spirit at its best.
Thank you Don Kern, Race director for posting this and thank you Paul McMullen for your inspiring words. I’m only running ½ the distance Paul is – but everything he says is true. I look forward to the experience. And maybe – just maybe – next you you’ll catch me running the full 26.2 miles!
Along with late night dinner plans this Friday, I’ve got a full weekend – long run Saturday – birthday dinner for my sister on Saturday and then the Pumpkin Patch on Sunday. It’s key that I am in my best mind frame.
So next week, as much as I love my friends and family, I’m cutting myself off a bit. I’m going to concentrate on the day to day tasks that must be done, and then really focus on Sunday’s journey.
Today, in my Metro Health Grand Rapids Marathon Newsletter the race director Don Kern included an email he received from Olympian Paul McMullen – who will be running the Metro Health Grand Rapids Marathon.
Paul addressed: What’s the deal with running. I read this and had a total AHA! Moment – this - this is why I run!
I’ve pulled a few key quotes from this email.
Paul said:
Running is by definition a way to cover ground quickly and has proven to be one of the most attractive attributes in a member of society since the beginning of time.
In early times fast runners ate better than slow runners. They also performed as scouts warning their tribes of enemy troop movements. Today, runners deal with stress well and are typically more emotionally balanced. They are doers and discover solutions before the sedentary. They intimately know their neighborhood. They come up with great ideas during long miles of breathing, sweating, and pounding. Runners have passion; they are willing to suffer a long time for something they want. They are not interested in instant gratification or a quick high; they plan, prepare, and execute until they achieve their goal.
On race day we see thousands of runners going in the same direction. It is a phenomenon of positive momentum. It is a moment at which we all in unison draw the line in the sand AGAINST several things: most notably, procrastination and laziness, age and gender, and quitting and getting fat. Most importantly during a marathon you are guaranteed to see the human spirit at its best.
Thank you Don Kern, Race director for posting this and thank you Paul McMullen for your inspiring words. I’m only running ½ the distance Paul is – but everything he says is true. I look forward to the experience. And maybe – just maybe – next you you’ll catch me running the full 26.2 miles!
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Loosing Motivation
With two weeks left until I run the Metro Health Grand Rapids Marathon, I’m finding that my motivation is lacking.
Today I woke up, ready to hit the road for a 10 mile run, but my sinuses had a different plan. I have such a sinus headache, my head is clogged and I feel like I haven’t slept in ages. This is not good.
I know that I need to be at my peak and I’m worried that it’s not going to happen. My plan is to just take it easy today and then these next two weeks seriously. I’m making sure that I’m eating enough carbs, and I’m adding the vitamin B for energy. My runs will have to take place after work, and that’s tough, I’ve already put in a full day, but I just have to keep plugging along.
I’ve worked so hard. I have remind myself that the mind is much stronger than the body and these next two weeks will require 100% focus from me. It will be tough but I have to just dig and dig deep.
Today I woke up, ready to hit the road for a 10 mile run, but my sinuses had a different plan. I have such a sinus headache, my head is clogged and I feel like I haven’t slept in ages. This is not good.
I know that I need to be at my peak and I’m worried that it’s not going to happen. My plan is to just take it easy today and then these next two weeks seriously. I’m making sure that I’m eating enough carbs, and I’m adding the vitamin B for energy. My runs will have to take place after work, and that’s tough, I’ve already put in a full day, but I just have to keep plugging along.
I’ve worked so hard. I have remind myself that the mind is much stronger than the body and these next two weeks will require 100% focus from me. It will be tough but I have to just dig and dig deep.
Monday, September 22, 2008
My body hurts
Good lord does my body hurt.
In my brillance I have decided that along with training for th e1/2 marathon I am going to start toning and doing a bunch of ab work. I must be a glutton for punshiment.
Currently everything is sore. More so than when I have a long run. This is not fun. I'm also suffering from some serious blisters. I was walking in the city on Friday and Sunday and the shoes I had on did not treat my feet kindly. I thought that I could just put some bandaids on them and run today. Oh was I wrong. They are raw and the bandaids aren't working.
So tonight's rememdy is the blister bandaids and rest. I will be up early tomorrow - 5AM to be exact for toning & abs - then off to a staff meeting. After work I have a 4 mile run ahead of me. We shall see. I'm hoping that I will be awake enough to run the 4.
Now that I have these few extra weeks to train, I'm going to take advantage of them.
Off to bed - early day tomorrow
In my brillance I have decided that along with training for th e1/2 marathon I am going to start toning and doing a bunch of ab work. I must be a glutton for punshiment.
Currently everything is sore. More so than when I have a long run. This is not fun. I'm also suffering from some serious blisters. I was walking in the city on Friday and Sunday and the shoes I had on did not treat my feet kindly. I thought that I could just put some bandaids on them and run today. Oh was I wrong. They are raw and the bandaids aren't working.
So tonight's rememdy is the blister bandaids and rest. I will be up early tomorrow - 5AM to be exact for toning & abs - then off to a staff meeting. After work I have a 4 mile run ahead of me. We shall see. I'm hoping that I will be awake enough to run the 4.
Now that I have these few extra weeks to train, I'm going to take advantage of them.
Off to bed - early day tomorrow
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Here we go again
Well, I'm determined to run a 1/2 marathon.
Today I signed up for the Metro Health Grand Rapids Marathon (They have 1/2 Marathon option)on October 19th. Everyone start saying your Anti-Rain prayers now! I've booked the room and signed up - I'm ready to go.
I love Grand Rapids - I have so many awesome memories of that place and in the fall it is just beautiful. The run will be nice, it will be cooler and I am determined!
I'm excited, plus I get more training time. What sucks is that since it's so far away, most of my supporters won't be able to make it, but I know they will be with me in spirit - and that's what matters.
Here we go again!
Today I signed up for the Metro Health Grand Rapids Marathon (They have 1/2 Marathon option)on October 19th. Everyone start saying your Anti-Rain prayers now! I've booked the room and signed up - I'm ready to go.
I love Grand Rapids - I have so many awesome memories of that place and in the fall it is just beautiful. The run will be nice, it will be cooler and I am determined!
I'm excited, plus I get more training time. What sucks is that since it's so far away, most of my supporters won't be able to make it, but I know they will be with me in spirit - and that's what matters.
Here we go again!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Mother Nature One: Stephanie Zero
So today was the day of the big run. I was so excited and prepared. I wanted to run, I trained so hard for this and I really felt like I could do it. Mother nature, on the other hand, had other plans. It’s been raining since Friday and I swear I just saw Noah marching some giraffe’s in two by two. We have had a rain like none other. Flooding everywhere, roads closed, just a mess.
Up until 4:30 this morning I was still ready to go. Then I looked out the window, saw the rain, and the roads. I had to be smart about this. I am not a seasoned runner, was I willing to risk injury and illness in order to prove to myself that I could do this? I wasn’t so sure. I enjoy running and I was also afraid that this experience of running in a downpour would ruin it for me. I have already suffered a few injuries running, and that’s to be expected, however on my first big run, I wasn’t sure if I was willing to do this.
I was a mess this morning. Crying, just upset, knowing very well that it was the best decision for myself – and that was all that mattered, however it still just sucks. Seriously weeks and months of running, pushing myself and dealing with this crazy appetite all for what – nothing. Though it was the right decision, it was not the easiest one. It’s true what they say, the right decisions are not always the easiest.
So, after spending much of the day feeling sorry for myself more and more signs showed me I made the right decision. We found out that major roads, expressways and possible routes to get to the starting line were flooded. There was a great chance that even if I had left the house, I would not have made it to the starting line.
I am angry with the planners of the event. This shows me that it’s all about the money. It seems very irresponsible of them to continue with the race when, in so many respects, much of the city and surrounding areas were under water. Also, to have runners running on puddled streets in the pouring rain, just doesn’t seem like a smart move. It’s difficult to stop on a dime when running, then add slippery streets – that’s a recipe for disaster.
I haven’t completely abandoned the idea of the ½ marathon. I found two in Michigan that are taking place next month. I will be looking into them tomorrow and preparing for one of them. I will have to train to run in cooler weather and possibly rain ( I now know this is a must). So tomorrow, I am hitting the Internet to find another ½ marathon. I will complete this before I turn 30. This was a goal I set for myself some time back, and yes, I do have April, May and a good part of June of next year to do so, however, I want to do this now. I hope this works. I am already looking forward to hitting the trails again.
Finally, a huge thank you to everyone who’s been supporting me throughout my training and cheering me on. My family (yes all of my family – Rafe and Jack included!) have been super supportive. They didn’t complain at the notion of waking up at 4:30 and standing in the rain as they waited for me to cross the finish line. No one could as for better supporters.
Thank you everyone for your support and encouragement – this next ½ marathon, the one I will really run – every mile will be for you guys!
Up until 4:30 this morning I was still ready to go. Then I looked out the window, saw the rain, and the roads. I had to be smart about this. I am not a seasoned runner, was I willing to risk injury and illness in order to prove to myself that I could do this? I wasn’t so sure. I enjoy running and I was also afraid that this experience of running in a downpour would ruin it for me. I have already suffered a few injuries running, and that’s to be expected, however on my first big run, I wasn’t sure if I was willing to do this.
I was a mess this morning. Crying, just upset, knowing very well that it was the best decision for myself – and that was all that mattered, however it still just sucks. Seriously weeks and months of running, pushing myself and dealing with this crazy appetite all for what – nothing. Though it was the right decision, it was not the easiest one. It’s true what they say, the right decisions are not always the easiest.
So, after spending much of the day feeling sorry for myself more and more signs showed me I made the right decision. We found out that major roads, expressways and possible routes to get to the starting line were flooded. There was a great chance that even if I had left the house, I would not have made it to the starting line.
I am angry with the planners of the event. This shows me that it’s all about the money. It seems very irresponsible of them to continue with the race when, in so many respects, much of the city and surrounding areas were under water. Also, to have runners running on puddled streets in the pouring rain, just doesn’t seem like a smart move. It’s difficult to stop on a dime when running, then add slippery streets – that’s a recipe for disaster.
I haven’t completely abandoned the idea of the ½ marathon. I found two in Michigan that are taking place next month. I will be looking into them tomorrow and preparing for one of them. I will have to train to run in cooler weather and possibly rain ( I now know this is a must). So tomorrow, I am hitting the Internet to find another ½ marathon. I will complete this before I turn 30. This was a goal I set for myself some time back, and yes, I do have April, May and a good part of June of next year to do so, however, I want to do this now. I hope this works. I am already looking forward to hitting the trails again.
Finally, a huge thank you to everyone who’s been supporting me throughout my training and cheering me on. My family (yes all of my family – Rafe and Jack included!) have been super supportive. They didn’t complain at the notion of waking up at 4:30 and standing in the rain as they waited for me to cross the finish line. No one could as for better supporters.
Thank you everyone for your support and encouragement – this next ½ marathon, the one I will really run – every mile will be for you guys!
Saturday, September 06, 2008
One Week!
Well a week from tomorrow is the big run. I am starting to get really nervous. It weird, nine months ago, I couldn't even run a mile and here I am preparing to run 13.1. It's amamzing how your body can really surprise you.
I am a self professed lazy bum. I really do not enjoy dieting, working out and trying to get that perfect body. This journey to 13.1 miles has taught me that it's not about the perfect body, but the body that you have and what you choose to do with it. I have chosen to push mine to what I at one point and time believed was it's limits.
I have come to see that the limits I thought my body had were actually just small stepping stones to pushing the limits of what I am truly capable of.
Today was a 10 mile run. It was tough, I wil tell you that, especially since I have had some pretty poor long runs these past few weeks. I don't know what is was today, but I just kept putting one foot in front of the other and I just kept going. One of the women on the route, who saw me going back and forth, asked me how far I planned to go today. When I told her that it was a 10 mile run, she smiled at me, wished me luck and told me to keep moving forward. That's what it's about - the encouragement, and the drive to move forward. There was also a spot, the same spot on the path, no matter if it was mile 1 or mile 7 that was very tough for me. It's up a slight hill and it's just not fun. Every single time I hit that spot and thought about walking - a monarch butterfly crossed my path - every single time. I took that as my sign that I could keep going, and I did.
After the run, I felt great. Before I jumped into the shower (MUCH NEEDED) I stood in front of the mirror and looked at myself. For the first time in my entire life, I looked in the mirror, saw my body and instead of criticizing it - I thanked it for being so strong. I have a strong body & I have a strong mind. This is what keeps me going.
So, let the countdown begin - soon enough I will be crossing the finish line - with a huge smile across my face!
I am a self professed lazy bum. I really do not enjoy dieting, working out and trying to get that perfect body. This journey to 13.1 miles has taught me that it's not about the perfect body, but the body that you have and what you choose to do with it. I have chosen to push mine to what I at one point and time believed was it's limits.
I have come to see that the limits I thought my body had were actually just small stepping stones to pushing the limits of what I am truly capable of.
Today was a 10 mile run. It was tough, I wil tell you that, especially since I have had some pretty poor long runs these past few weeks. I don't know what is was today, but I just kept putting one foot in front of the other and I just kept going. One of the women on the route, who saw me going back and forth, asked me how far I planned to go today. When I told her that it was a 10 mile run, she smiled at me, wished me luck and told me to keep moving forward. That's what it's about - the encouragement, and the drive to move forward. There was also a spot, the same spot on the path, no matter if it was mile 1 or mile 7 that was very tough for me. It's up a slight hill and it's just not fun. Every single time I hit that spot and thought about walking - a monarch butterfly crossed my path - every single time. I took that as my sign that I could keep going, and I did.
After the run, I felt great. Before I jumped into the shower (MUCH NEEDED) I stood in front of the mirror and looked at myself. For the first time in my entire life, I looked in the mirror, saw my body and instead of criticizing it - I thanked it for being so strong. I have a strong body & I have a strong mind. This is what keeps me going.
So, let the countdown begin - soon enough I will be crossing the finish line - with a huge smile across my face!
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Freak Out!
So the marathon is getting closer and I am totally freaking out. I've had some less than good runs and now when I look at the route, it seems ridiculous and I feel like it will take forever. I know I can do this - however I am just having a moment.
Everything from getting there to getting home to figuring out everything else inbetween.
Right now I just need to chill, relax and take it easy.
I can do this - I will do this. I will run and complete the Chicago Half Marathon and when I do cross the finish line I will feel accomplished and remember just how strong my body & mind are.
Everything from getting there to getting home to figuring out everything else inbetween.
Right now I just need to chill, relax and take it easy.
I can do this - I will do this. I will run and complete the Chicago Half Marathon and when I do cross the finish line I will feel accomplished and remember just how strong my body & mind are.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Wedding Pics
Here's the link to the wedding pics - so people, stop asking!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Running & Wedding - What a Weekend!
Wow! What a weekend. I had a twelve mile run scheduled for Friday, instead of my usual Saturday, because I was standing up to Jackie’s wedding on Saturday.
I managed 6 miles. I got a phone call in the in middle of my run that pulled me away. I did however, find that the brace I bought works well, so I am confident that my 11 mile run this Saturday will be successful.
I stayed downtown this weekend, which was nice. I was right on Wacker and Michigan –the Trump tower was right in front of me. I took advantage of the lakefront on Saturday before the wedding – I walked the Mag Mile & the lakefront. It was good to be by myself before the chaos of wedding planning.
Carly, who’s known Jackie 10 years longer than I have, and I were both having a hard time sleeping Thursday and Friday as we anticipated the big event. The two of us knew – we were going to be weepy. It happens. Jackie is one of my closest friends and though most bridesmaids complain about having to wear a certain dress or do whatever, I was more than honored. Mike is truly a fantastic guy, and they are great together.
Walking down the aisle was weird, here I am all spiffy waiting of my best friend to take a vow that will change her life forever. Watching that was incredible. Jackie looking stunning – I decided to watch Mike’s face as she made her way down the aisle. You just saw his eyes light up. He was so adorable. During the morning, I was running between his room and hers to take stuff back and forth. His first question to me – “Did you see her yet? How is she? Tell her I love her & can’t wait!” To be trusted with these messages made me realize just how much they both trust me and have included me in their life – even if they live in California. Carly and I held it together. There were moments where we welled up, but we were able to control it. Seeing Jackie well up, that made it a little more difficult to hold it together, but we managed. I just kept remembering the very first time I met Jackie and then when she told me about Mike & then when he proposed. It’s so weird to be at the point in my life when I can recognize these moments, step back and really see how everyone’s life is changing.
The reception was a blast. I danced WAY too much. Mr. Banks, Rafe, Ryan (Meg’s overly energetic husband), Mike and the rest of the wedding party kept that dance floor packed. I was passed around so many times I was actually danced out of my shoe!
I was also impressed with the wedding party – I didn’t know most of the guys or their wives/girlfriends, but they were really just really friendly and a huge help when it came to getting ready. Don’t even ask me how many trips they made to the 26th floor to deliver, dresses, makeup, shoes, etc. Awesome guys.
It’s also a small world. Through talking, we realized that I was at the same New Year’s Eve Party that Meg and Ryan were at – the one where they met. AWE! They also already knew about my training (Jackie’s been talking) and they were very encouraging and supportive. Ryan did the Chicago Marathon so he was full of tips. He assures me, if I can run 6 – I can run 13. We shall see.
I’ve got 4 to run today. Thanks to all the dancing on Saturday I am sore so this should be an interesting run.
Me & the Beautiful Bride

Ryan & I - master chair Dancers

Mr. Banks and I cut a rug!
I managed 6 miles. I got a phone call in the in middle of my run that pulled me away. I did however, find that the brace I bought works well, so I am confident that my 11 mile run this Saturday will be successful.
I stayed downtown this weekend, which was nice. I was right on Wacker and Michigan –the Trump tower was right in front of me. I took advantage of the lakefront on Saturday before the wedding – I walked the Mag Mile & the lakefront. It was good to be by myself before the chaos of wedding planning.
Carly, who’s known Jackie 10 years longer than I have, and I were both having a hard time sleeping Thursday and Friday as we anticipated the big event. The two of us knew – we were going to be weepy. It happens. Jackie is one of my closest friends and though most bridesmaids complain about having to wear a certain dress or do whatever, I was more than honored. Mike is truly a fantastic guy, and they are great together.
Walking down the aisle was weird, here I am all spiffy waiting of my best friend to take a vow that will change her life forever. Watching that was incredible. Jackie looking stunning – I decided to watch Mike’s face as she made her way down the aisle. You just saw his eyes light up. He was so adorable. During the morning, I was running between his room and hers to take stuff back and forth. His first question to me – “Did you see her yet? How is she? Tell her I love her & can’t wait!” To be trusted with these messages made me realize just how much they both trust me and have included me in their life – even if they live in California. Carly and I held it together. There were moments where we welled up, but we were able to control it. Seeing Jackie well up, that made it a little more difficult to hold it together, but we managed. I just kept remembering the very first time I met Jackie and then when she told me about Mike & then when he proposed. It’s so weird to be at the point in my life when I can recognize these moments, step back and really see how everyone’s life is changing.
The reception was a blast. I danced WAY too much. Mr. Banks, Rafe, Ryan (Meg’s overly energetic husband), Mike and the rest of the wedding party kept that dance floor packed. I was passed around so many times I was actually danced out of my shoe!
I was also impressed with the wedding party – I didn’t know most of the guys or their wives/girlfriends, but they were really just really friendly and a huge help when it came to getting ready. Don’t even ask me how many trips they made to the 26th floor to deliver, dresses, makeup, shoes, etc. Awesome guys.
It’s also a small world. Through talking, we realized that I was at the same New Year’s Eve Party that Meg and Ryan were at – the one where they met. AWE! They also already knew about my training (Jackie’s been talking) and they were very encouraging and supportive. Ryan did the Chicago Marathon so he was full of tips. He assures me, if I can run 6 – I can run 13. We shall see.
I’ve got 4 to run today. Thanks to all the dancing on Saturday I am sore so this should be an interesting run.
Me & the Beautiful Bride
Ryan & I - master chair Dancers
Mr. Banks and I cut a rug!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Injured - but not down for the count
Well the running injury has happened - it was bound too.
Seems my knees really dislike the idea of running 18-20 miles a week. So I'm dealing with some knee issues now.
Visited my friends at Dick's and the oh so knowledgable (not) only trying to flirt with me (I don't care - my knee hurts), skinny, sales dude, directed me to the knee braces. I was hoping for someone with a little more knowledge, other than "Here you go". Well, I'm a big girl, so I stood there for 20 minutes trying to figure our what grossly overpriced contraption to put on my knee. In the end, I chose two. They are supposed "keep the kneecap in place" - good, wouldn't want that just wandering off and they are supposed to "stabelize knee movement to allow for pain free activities" - ok whatever, it's either this or painkillers, and I cannot run on those.
So yesterday, I ran with the brace. I was only scheduled for 4 miles and I got through it, but that brace somehow makes the run harder. It feels like it constricts my movements and then I work harder to run. At least I was able to get through it.
We will see what happens on Friday. Up at 6 - 12 miles in the AM - shower, nap, bank, drive to hotel, change, managed to squeeze my abused feet into 3 inch heels, show up for rehearsal dinner, do my thing, and collapse to be fresh and ready for Jackie's wedding on Saturday. PLEASE NO RAIN!
Seems my knees really dislike the idea of running 18-20 miles a week. So I'm dealing with some knee issues now.
Visited my friends at Dick's and the oh so knowledgable (not) only trying to flirt with me (I don't care - my knee hurts), skinny, sales dude, directed me to the knee braces. I was hoping for someone with a little more knowledge, other than "Here you go". Well, I'm a big girl, so I stood there for 20 minutes trying to figure our what grossly overpriced contraption to put on my knee. In the end, I chose two. They are supposed "keep the kneecap in place" - good, wouldn't want that just wandering off and they are supposed to "stabelize knee movement to allow for pain free activities" - ok whatever, it's either this or painkillers, and I cannot run on those.
So yesterday, I ran with the brace. I was only scheduled for 4 miles and I got through it, but that brace somehow makes the run harder. It feels like it constricts my movements and then I work harder to run. At least I was able to get through it.
We will see what happens on Friday. Up at 6 - 12 miles in the AM - shower, nap, bank, drive to hotel, change, managed to squeeze my abused feet into 3 inch heels, show up for rehearsal dinner, do my thing, and collapse to be fresh and ready for Jackie's wedding on Saturday. PLEASE NO RAIN!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
10 Miles is LONG DISTANCE - I don't care what they say
So yesterday I had to do my ten mile run. WOW is all I have to say. I did complete the run, however, it took a lot out of me.
I kept the pace at 5.7 on the treadmill - which is about a 10:30 mile. I can easily run a 9:30 mile, however, if I want to maintain the pace, it's best to start slower - this is about distance, not speed. The first fives miles were not bad at all, it was a breaze. The next three weren't so bad. So ok I've made it through 8 miles, two more shouldn't be that bad - that's less than my minimum run. Well the last two miles were tough. I had to really push myself. I'm glad I did though, because I felt great afterwards. I came home and was proud of myself and what I accomplished.
Today, well, my body reminded me that I ran 10 miles yesterday. I was a little sore, but seriously, I've had workouts where I've felt much worse the next day. I think my body is just getting accustomed to the running.
I also spent a ridiculous amount of money on running stuff today - I never spend $100 on clothes (at least in one day) and here I was, dumping that much on running attire! I had such a hard time processing this. My mom was with me and I just kept saying, I can't believe I'm spending all this money on RUNNING CLOTHES - I'm not an athletic person, this is so weird to me.
I think I have to come to the conclusion, that yes, indeed I may be an athletic person - AH GASP! What is this! I'm shocked!
Well, I'm off to bed - this athlete (?) needs sleep.
I kept the pace at 5.7 on the treadmill - which is about a 10:30 mile. I can easily run a 9:30 mile, however, if I want to maintain the pace, it's best to start slower - this is about distance, not speed. The first fives miles were not bad at all, it was a breaze. The next three weren't so bad. So ok I've made it through 8 miles, two more shouldn't be that bad - that's less than my minimum run. Well the last two miles were tough. I had to really push myself. I'm glad I did though, because I felt great afterwards. I came home and was proud of myself and what I accomplished.
Today, well, my body reminded me that I ran 10 miles yesterday. I was a little sore, but seriously, I've had workouts where I've felt much worse the next day. I think my body is just getting accustomed to the running.
I also spent a ridiculous amount of money on running stuff today - I never spend $100 on clothes (at least in one day) and here I was, dumping that much on running attire! I had such a hard time processing this. My mom was with me and I just kept saying, I can't believe I'm spending all this money on RUNNING CLOTHES - I'm not an athletic person, this is so weird to me.
I think I have to come to the conclusion, that yes, indeed I may be an athletic person - AH GASP! What is this! I'm shocked!
Well, I'm off to bed - this athlete (?) needs sleep.
Friday, August 08, 2008
Ten Miles Tomorrow
Well the training is progressing, but in all honesty these past two weeks have been tough. Between not feeling well and having a ton of stuff to do with work, a review coming up, getting ready to stand up to a wedding and everything else, I've really had a tough time of it.
Tomorrow is a 10 mile run. I'm nervous. Part of me wonders if I will even be able to do it. 10 miles is a long time. I know I just have to focus and keep my eye on my goals. Three years ago I created a list of things I wanted to do before I turned 30 - running a half marathon was one of them, so this is my last chance (nothing like coming in under the wire). I just have to remember to take it one step at a time, break it down into smaller intervals, and remain focused.
Here's to tomorrow - I will have a successful 10 mile run!
Tomorrow is a 10 mile run. I'm nervous. Part of me wonders if I will even be able to do it. 10 miles is a long time. I know I just have to focus and keep my eye on my goals. Three years ago I created a list of things I wanted to do before I turned 30 - running a half marathon was one of them, so this is my last chance (nothing like coming in under the wire). I just have to remember to take it one step at a time, break it down into smaller intervals, and remain focused.
Here's to tomorrow - I will have a successful 10 mile run!
Monday, July 28, 2008
One Mile at a Time
The training is going well. I just take it one mile at a time.
Saturday was a crazy day. I was up at 6:30, at the gym by 7 - ran 6 miles, came home, showed, grabbed a Starbucks, went for my dress fitting, and from then on it was just go, go go! By the time I headed over for a nice relaxing evening with Rafe, I was exhausted. We spent the evening chatting, killing a bottle of wine and relaxing in the hot tub. What a night! Rafe and I haven't had that one on one time in a long time.
He was asking me how the running was going, and I was telling him that I am really surprised at myself and what my body is capable of. I ran six miles that morning and really felt great. Yes, I had to push myself because I had to keep going and at some point your legs and your brain just don't want to cooperate. Here is something amazing I have found - your mind is much stronger than your phsyical self. I am amazed at how much I can really push my body to do. I was also amazed that on January 1st of this year, I could barely run a 1/4 mile and now I'm averaging between a 10 and 11 minute mile.
He also told me that I seem much more confident in not only my body, but my abilites. About two months ago, we had gone to a party, where I knew exactly three people, Rafe and the two people throwing it - Simone and Peter. Here I was in a room full of very well off people, who had careers that far surpased what I thought I had. There were lawyers, a CTO, a college professor and the list goes on and on. Instead of sitting in a corner and keeping to myself, I blossomed. I was having conversations, mingeling and really just feeling very comfortable.
I contribute that to running. During a run all you are doing is putting one foot in front of another - and think - lots and lots of thinking. Once you body gets warmed up and you are in a groove, you spend a lot of time thinking. I've really answered some very serious questions, and scared myself by asking a whole new set of questions. Running for me is like meditation - this is how I think, sort things out and move forward. Just think, I will have 13.1 miles of thinking to do in September - I wonder how many questions and answers I will confront.
Off to bed - Have to run tomorrow.
Saturday was a crazy day. I was up at 6:30, at the gym by 7 - ran 6 miles, came home, showed, grabbed a Starbucks, went for my dress fitting, and from then on it was just go, go go! By the time I headed over for a nice relaxing evening with Rafe, I was exhausted. We spent the evening chatting, killing a bottle of wine and relaxing in the hot tub. What a night! Rafe and I haven't had that one on one time in a long time.
He was asking me how the running was going, and I was telling him that I am really surprised at myself and what my body is capable of. I ran six miles that morning and really felt great. Yes, I had to push myself because I had to keep going and at some point your legs and your brain just don't want to cooperate. Here is something amazing I have found - your mind is much stronger than your phsyical self. I am amazed at how much I can really push my body to do. I was also amazed that on January 1st of this year, I could barely run a 1/4 mile and now I'm averaging between a 10 and 11 minute mile.
He also told me that I seem much more confident in not only my body, but my abilites. About two months ago, we had gone to a party, where I knew exactly three people, Rafe and the two people throwing it - Simone and Peter. Here I was in a room full of very well off people, who had careers that far surpased what I thought I had. There were lawyers, a CTO, a college professor and the list goes on and on. Instead of sitting in a corner and keeping to myself, I blossomed. I was having conversations, mingeling and really just feeling very comfortable.
I contribute that to running. During a run all you are doing is putting one foot in front of another - and think - lots and lots of thinking. Once you body gets warmed up and you are in a groove, you spend a lot of time thinking. I've really answered some very serious questions, and scared myself by asking a whole new set of questions. Running for me is like meditation - this is how I think, sort things out and move forward. Just think, I will have 13.1 miles of thinking to do in September - I wonder how many questions and answers I will confront.
Off to bed - Have to run tomorrow.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Moving through week 2
Well I'm almost done with week two of training. Monday was 3 miles, Wednesday 4 & Thursday 3. Tomorrow I run 5. I'm feeling really good an positive. Yesterday my legs were sore, but it wasn't so bad getting through the three. I find that if I maintain a steady pace it's a lot easier. I'm not running for speed, just to get done.
This weekend will be crazy. Tonight I have some Toga Party Shopping to do (Maria's 30th Birthday bash) & I have 48 cupcakes to make, along with cleaning, making the meat for the pasta (also for tomorrow) and some other things.
Tomorrow is going to be a bit hectic - 5 miles, plus weights, make pasta for party, run to about 4 stores to pick up various items, get to the house to decorate and be ready to surprise Maria. I hope I make it through.
Sunday should be fun. It's either the zoo or the aquarium. (Shh I have a date!). I haven't been to either one in years. I hope I can walk though, or he's going to have to push me. It's weird though, he lives downtown and therefore has no need for a car, so our relationship is all public transportation and cab based. This is different for me. Finger crossed!
Ok - heading out for a ton of errands and an eventful weekend.
This weekend will be crazy. Tonight I have some Toga Party Shopping to do (Maria's 30th Birthday bash) & I have 48 cupcakes to make, along with cleaning, making the meat for the pasta (also for tomorrow) and some other things.
Tomorrow is going to be a bit hectic - 5 miles, plus weights, make pasta for party, run to about 4 stores to pick up various items, get to the house to decorate and be ready to surprise Maria. I hope I make it through.
Sunday should be fun. It's either the zoo or the aquarium. (Shh I have a date!). I haven't been to either one in years. I hope I can walk though, or he's going to have to push me. It's weird though, he lives downtown and therefore has no need for a car, so our relationship is all public transportation and cab based. This is different for me. Finger crossed!
Ok - heading out for a ton of errands and an eventful weekend.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
One Week Down, Nine to Go
Today I completed my first week of training for the 1/2 marathon. What a week! I hope I can keep this up. Today was my first long run, 4 miles. It was tough and in all honesty, I only did three. I know, I know - not following the program, but I just couldn't do it. I have learned a valuable lessson - don't run the day before your long run. Technically with the way things are set up, I'm not scheduled to run on Fridays, however, I had to adjust the schedule this week because Jackie was in town and I went out with her.
Today's run was tougher than they have been in the past. I hope I'm not loosing momentum. I think I just really need to follow the scheduled program. I felt like a failure. Just like I couldn't pull it off, and I have run this distance before. I really need to refocus.
My eating habits also need a big adjustment. After loosing the last 15 pounds in order to reach my goal size, I've gotten a little sloppy. I'm just not watching as well as I should, so I'm back on track with that - starting today, with writing everything down and going back to my weight watchers points and meals. Plus I just feel better when I eat that way.
I also have my fitting for Jackie's wedding in two weeks - I need to be able to fit into this dress. Thankfully the dress for the rehearsal dinner still fits - though more ab work is in order.
I really need to work on my arms though. The dress for the rehearsal dinner has spaghetti straps and the bridesmaid dress is strapless, so that means I need to pull out my weight training/sculpting DVDs and start hard core.
I still haven't filled out the entry form. I have until the end of this month before the cost goes up. You know my cheap ass! I'm not paying more than I have to, so needless to say I will be signing up really soon.
Today's run was tougher than they have been in the past. I hope I'm not loosing momentum. I think I just really need to follow the scheduled program. I felt like a failure. Just like I couldn't pull it off, and I have run this distance before. I really need to refocus.
My eating habits also need a big adjustment. After loosing the last 15 pounds in order to reach my goal size, I've gotten a little sloppy. I'm just not watching as well as I should, so I'm back on track with that - starting today, with writing everything down and going back to my weight watchers points and meals. Plus I just feel better when I eat that way.
I also have my fitting for Jackie's wedding in two weeks - I need to be able to fit into this dress. Thankfully the dress for the rehearsal dinner still fits - though more ab work is in order.
I really need to work on my arms though. The dress for the rehearsal dinner has spaghetti straps and the bridesmaid dress is strapless, so that means I need to pull out my weight training/sculpting DVDs and start hard core.
I still haven't filled out the entry form. I have until the end of this month before the cost goes up. You know my cheap ass! I'm not paying more than I have to, so needless to say I will be signing up really soon.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Monday, July 07, 2008
Bad News/Great News
Bad news - Um so yeah - turns out that little cold I had turned into a full blown upper respiratory infection & double ear infection. Which basically means that I am now two weeks behind on the training. Damn it, I will run this marathon! I also didn't take any time off of work to rest, so I'm sure I slowed the recovery process. Good news is, I am now all better, ready to go and running again. Did two miles on Saturday and boy did I feel it. I'm up for three after work today.
Saturday night went to a party - everyone seemed to want to know why I was crazy enough to want to run 13.1 miles. I mean seriously, the idea in general is just insane. I guess it's a sense of accomplishment. My body and I do not get along - I think it should look one way, it thinks another. This is one way for me to attempt to control this. It's also a way for me to prove to myself that when I set a goal, I can accomplish it. And I hate to fail! They are all rooting for me, and know that training will cut into what little social time I have, however they are very supportive and rooting for me.
Speaking of social lives - note to self, your timing SUCKS! So, why or why, do I decide to start training for this while I am - helping people move, standing up to a wedding (thus helping with the planning), planning a surprise 30th birthday party, planning a huge work party, oh yeah, and starting to see someone. (Fingers crossed folks!) GRR!
The biggest cramp in the social life and training conflict is the arrival of my neice Cheyenne Elizabeth! It's difficult to train on weekends and still see her, but I will be doing it. I will sacrafice sleep for her! (ok so she's not my neice by blood, but she might as well be!). She is also the greatest news in my life. I am going to spoil this kid rotten.
I got to see the peanut on Sunday. It is well documented that babies and I don't get along - they cry the minute I hold them. Cheyenne, however, didn't utter a peep. She slept in my arms, until Sarah and I woke her up for a feeding. I love this little girl. She is just amazing. Tiny, sweet and just beautiful. For the first time I felt comfortable holding a baby. We rocked, sang, talked, & I just stared at this amazing creature. Sarah starting laughing at me "See, you say your not good with kids, but you are a natural!" Don't let my mom hear that! No, my biological clock is not ticking - I'm just enjoying Cheyenne. I'm also grateful that Sarah wants me to be such an active part of her life. The day she was born, Jason called me and said - Congratulations Auntie Steffy! Your neice is here. That means a lot to me. Besides, everyone needs a cool Aunt, right? Sarah said that she and Cheyenne will be waiting for me at the finish line. (Bet she cries when I'm all stinky and gross holding her).
Back to work and training.
Saturday night went to a party - everyone seemed to want to know why I was crazy enough to want to run 13.1 miles. I mean seriously, the idea in general is just insane. I guess it's a sense of accomplishment. My body and I do not get along - I think it should look one way, it thinks another. This is one way for me to attempt to control this. It's also a way for me to prove to myself that when I set a goal, I can accomplish it. And I hate to fail! They are all rooting for me, and know that training will cut into what little social time I have, however they are very supportive and rooting for me.
Speaking of social lives - note to self, your timing SUCKS! So, why or why, do I decide to start training for this while I am - helping people move, standing up to a wedding (thus helping with the planning), planning a surprise 30th birthday party, planning a huge work party, oh yeah, and starting to see someone. (Fingers crossed folks!) GRR!
The biggest cramp in the social life and training conflict is the arrival of my neice Cheyenne Elizabeth! It's difficult to train on weekends and still see her, but I will be doing it. I will sacrafice sleep for her! (ok so she's not my neice by blood, but she might as well be!). She is also the greatest news in my life. I am going to spoil this kid rotten.
I got to see the peanut on Sunday. It is well documented that babies and I don't get along - they cry the minute I hold them. Cheyenne, however, didn't utter a peep. She slept in my arms, until Sarah and I woke her up for a feeding. I love this little girl. She is just amazing. Tiny, sweet and just beautiful. For the first time I felt comfortable holding a baby. We rocked, sang, talked, & I just stared at this amazing creature. Sarah starting laughing at me "See, you say your not good with kids, but you are a natural!" Don't let my mom hear that! No, my biological clock is not ticking - I'm just enjoying Cheyenne. I'm also grateful that Sarah wants me to be such an active part of her life. The day she was born, Jason called me and said - Congratulations Auntie Steffy! Your neice is here. That means a lot to me. Besides, everyone needs a cool Aunt, right? Sarah said that she and Cheyenne will be waiting for me at the finish line. (Bet she cries when I'm all stinky and gross holding her).
Back to work and training.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Training - Week 1 - Off to a bad start
So I was all psyched and ready to start my training for the 1/2 marathon and then evil little cold bugs invaded. This sucks!
I was fine Monday - went to the doctor (Unrelated to the illness I am now experiencing) - came home was was greeted by a wall of illness. This I would not recommend.
So I'm sick and I didn't start my training this week. I hope to be better on Saturday to at least do a 3 mile run, but we shall see.
It also stinks because today is my Birthday - who wants to be sick on their Birthday? Not me!
So I'm sore, achy and tired - but none of it to do with running. Blah.
I was fine Monday - went to the doctor (Unrelated to the illness I am now experiencing) - came home was was greeted by a wall of illness. This I would not recommend.
So I'm sick and I didn't start my training this week. I hope to be better on Saturday to at least do a 3 mile run, but we shall see.
It also stinks because today is my Birthday - who wants to be sick on their Birthday? Not me!
So I'm sore, achy and tired - but none of it to do with running. Blah.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Chicago 1/2 Marathon
I have decided to run the Chicago Half Marathon. I must be crazy! Actually this has been on of my goals - before I turn 30, run a half marathon.
After I trained for and ran my first 5k (ok a little over - it was a 4 mile run), I caught the bug. I really do enjoy the running. Pushing my body, seeing it change and challenging myself is all part of reaching the goal. I am not concerned with how fast I finish - I just want to complete it.
Tomorrow I start my training, I'm ready. I will use this blog to detail my journey from 0 -13.1 miles.
A lot of people ask me why? Why are you doing this? The honest answer is - I feel better. Running helps me clear my head, gets rid of frustrations, and I just feel fantastic when I'm done. I sleep better at night, look better and the skinny jeans actually fit.
There is also the emotional aspect tied to this. In middle school and high school I was one of the fat kids. I ballooned and had a hard time getting rid of the weight. I will never be a size 0 and after working hard, learing proper nutrition and gaining control I am finally happy with my body. Believe it or not, I've finally embraced the curves - I have hips and I look like a woman - but guess what - I am one! This is about being a healthy woman.
So I'll use this blog to journey the early morning runs, late evenings in the gym - carb cravings and sore body. I'll record what it's like to try to train, work full time, commute and maintain some sort of social life.
I'm not a professional running, I'm the last person to tell someone how to train - but I'm real and this is where I will lay it out. It hurts, it's not easy - but in the end - I'm hoping it's worth it. Hopefully 12 weeks from now, I will be able to post my successful completion of the Chicago Half Marathon.
I DID IT! This is me and some of my wonderful support team - Rafe and Maria!

After I trained for and ran my first 5k (ok a little over - it was a 4 mile run), I caught the bug. I really do enjoy the running. Pushing my body, seeing it change and challenging myself is all part of reaching the goal. I am not concerned with how fast I finish - I just want to complete it.
Tomorrow I start my training, I'm ready. I will use this blog to detail my journey from 0 -13.1 miles.
A lot of people ask me why? Why are you doing this? The honest answer is - I feel better. Running helps me clear my head, gets rid of frustrations, and I just feel fantastic when I'm done. I sleep better at night, look better and the skinny jeans actually fit.
There is also the emotional aspect tied to this. In middle school and high school I was one of the fat kids. I ballooned and had a hard time getting rid of the weight. I will never be a size 0 and after working hard, learing proper nutrition and gaining control I am finally happy with my body. Believe it or not, I've finally embraced the curves - I have hips and I look like a woman - but guess what - I am one! This is about being a healthy woman.
So I'll use this blog to journey the early morning runs, late evenings in the gym - carb cravings and sore body. I'll record what it's like to try to train, work full time, commute and maintain some sort of social life.
I'm not a professional running, I'm the last person to tell someone how to train - but I'm real and this is where I will lay it out. It hurts, it's not easy - but in the end - I'm hoping it's worth it. Hopefully 12 weeks from now, I will be able to post my successful completion of the Chicago Half Marathon.
I DID IT! This is me and some of my wonderful support team - Rafe and Maria!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Let's go theater
As of late, theater is my friend. I'm loving the fact that I am back into one of my passions -theater! I LOVE seeing live shows and I am taking advantage of my job in the city.
So far I've seen Wicked (3 times), Lion King and Jeasus Christ Superstar (with the orginal Jesus - Ted Nealy) I'm also seeing Sweeny Todd (can't wait) and Avenue Q in the next two months! Wicked will be in my future again.
In general feeling positive; happy and full of hope. A little scared as we wait for the pathology report for my dad (say your prayers), but he's strong and I'm sure that no matter what my dad will conquer all that comes in his path.
So far I've seen Wicked (3 times), Lion King and Jeasus Christ Superstar (with the orginal Jesus - Ted Nealy) I'm also seeing Sweeny Todd (can't wait) and Avenue Q in the next two months! Wicked will be in my future again.
In general feeling positive; happy and full of hope. A little scared as we wait for the pathology report for my dad (say your prayers), but he's strong and I'm sure that no matter what my dad will conquer all that comes in his path.
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