Monday, July 07, 2008

Bad News/Great News

Bad news - Um so yeah - turns out that little cold I had turned into a full blown upper respiratory infection & double ear infection. Which basically means that I am now two weeks behind on the training. Damn it, I will run this marathon! I also didn't take any time off of work to rest, so I'm sure I slowed the recovery process. Good news is, I am now all better, ready to go and running again. Did two miles on Saturday and boy did I feel it. I'm up for three after work today.

Saturday night went to a party - everyone seemed to want to know why I was crazy enough to want to run 13.1 miles. I mean seriously, the idea in general is just insane. I guess it's a sense of accomplishment. My body and I do not get along - I think it should look one way, it thinks another. This is one way for me to attempt to control this. It's also a way for me to prove to myself that when I set a goal, I can accomplish it. And I hate to fail! They are all rooting for me, and know that training will cut into what little social time I have, however they are very supportive and rooting for me.

Speaking of social lives - note to self, your timing SUCKS! So, why or why, do I decide to start training for this while I am - helping people move, standing up to a wedding (thus helping with the planning), planning a surprise 30th birthday party, planning a huge work party, oh yeah, and starting to see someone. (Fingers crossed folks!) GRR!

The biggest cramp in the social life and training conflict is the arrival of my neice Cheyenne Elizabeth! It's difficult to train on weekends and still see her, but I will be doing it. I will sacrafice sleep for her! (ok so she's not my neice by blood, but she might as well be!). She is also the greatest news in my life. I am going to spoil this kid rotten.

I got to see the peanut on Sunday. It is well documented that babies and I don't get along - they cry the minute I hold them. Cheyenne, however, didn't utter a peep. She slept in my arms, until Sarah and I woke her up for a feeding. I love this little girl. She is just amazing. Tiny, sweet and just beautiful. For the first time I felt comfortable holding a baby. We rocked, sang, talked, & I just stared at this amazing creature. Sarah starting laughing at me "See, you say your not good with kids, but you are a natural!" Don't let my mom hear that! No, my biological clock is not ticking - I'm just enjoying Cheyenne. I'm also grateful that Sarah wants me to be such an active part of her life. The day she was born, Jason called me and said - Congratulations Auntie Steffy! Your neice is here. That means a lot to me. Besides, everyone needs a cool Aunt, right? Sarah said that she and Cheyenne will be waiting for me at the finish line. (Bet she cries when I'm all stinky and gross holding her).

Back to work and training.

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